Simple + Price

Simple + Price

Healthcare pricing can be confusing. To simplify things, we offer a pre-pay pricing program for those in the Lake County and the surrounding communities who might not have insurance. It’s called Simple + Price and it covers most common imaging and lab tests. The...
Sleep Disorders Center

Sleep Disorders Center

Sleep Disorders Center Are you sleeping well? Waking up rested? If not it could pose a more serious health threat than you think. Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to your overall health, safety and quality of life. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to increased...
Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Pediatric Sleep Disorders Children can suffer from sleep disorders, too. An estimated 25-30 percent of infants and children experience sleep disturbances. Lack of quality sleep can have a negative effect on a child’s ability to concentrate in school, participate in...
Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining good health. Unfortunately for many people, getting a full night’s rest is a luxury – an estimated 22 million people in the U.S. suffer from sleep apnea, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association....
Sleep Study

Sleep Study

Sleep Study During a study, patients stay overnight in one of our comfortable rooms. A technician will attach sensors to your head, chin, throat, chest, abdomen and legs to monitor your sleep during the night. These sensors detect brain waves, eye movements,...